Make BLW mess-free and stress-free with our BLW Bib and Tray Set!
🍽️ I curated this set to catch all the mess so you can focus on your little one’s eating journey without worrying about food spilling everywhere.
✨ What’s included:
👶 A large bib and tray that attaches securely to your baby’s highchair, catching every little crumb and splash.
👜 A storage bag to keep the tray and bib neatly together—perfect for easy storage and travel.
Whether you’re at home, dining out, or on the go, this set makes BLW possible everywhere and anywhere! Say goodbye to endless cleanups and hello to stress-free mealtimes.
💡 A must-have for BLW parents!
A little about me and my children—I introduced my firstborn (now 5 years old) to solids using BLW, and honestly, I was overwhelmed by the mess, anxiety, and all the unknowns. I took courses to learn the difference between gagging and choking, as this is a common concern with BLW.
Coming from a traditional family where porridge was the first food, BLW was a totally new idea for both me and my family. But after diving deep into research, I chose BLW because I truly believed in its benefits.
BLW is messy—no doubt about it! But the benefits make it all worthwhile. I remember listening to a podcast by Katie Ferraro, where she said, “If you think BLW is time-consuming, think about the time you need to feed your baby, coax your toddler to eat, run after your toddler, and fight your toddler during mealtimes. Now, that’s time-consuming.” That shifted my entire perspective, and I decided to go for it!
I won’t say my daughter is the perfect eater who always finishes her food, eats all her veggies, and clears her plate. But she’s open to trying new foods (we hit 100 before she turned 1!) and is really in tune with her body. I don’t force her to eat, and she’s even gone to bed hungry before because she didn’t eat much dinner and had to face the hunger (oops!). I trust her to know when she’s hungry and when she’s not, and mealtimes are rarely a battle. To me, they should be enjoyable, filled with laughter, and stress-free.
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